Beer grows in Skåne fields – Lantmännen and Spendrups in new campaign

News, 2024

Spendrups collaborates with Lantmännen and their cultivation program Climate & Nature. Since last year, the annual volume of Mariestad's, one of Spendrup's best-known brands, has been covered by Climate & Nature-grown malting barley. In total, it is about 8,000 tonnes of malting barley and almost 50 million litres of Mariestad beer every year.

On nine farms around southern Sweden, signs will now be put up on the malting barley fields, with the text "A beer field – here the malting barley of the future grows in collaboration with Lantmännen." In this way, Spendrups draws attention to the transition to more sustainable beer production through the collaboration with Lantmännen.

"We are very proud of the partnership within Climate & Nature and it is an important part of Mariestad's ability to reduce its climate impact further. Therefore, together with selected farmers who grow malting barley, we wanted to draw attention to the important work they do, but in a more light-hearted twinkle-in-the-eye way," says Richard Bengtsson, head brewmaster at Spendrups.

"For me as a farmer and member of Lantmännen, Climate & Nature is an important contribution to more sustainable farming. Those of us who grow according to the program, the companies that choose to join and all the consumers who choose the products are contributing to an actual change in Swedish agriculture," says Anna Danielsson, agricultural manager at Högestad estate, which grows malting barley within the program.

The Climate & Nature cultivation programme promotes sustainable agriculture with measures that have a lower climate impact, such as fossil-free fuels, and benefit biodiversity, such as flowering zones.

"If you really want to achieve sustainability, you need collaborations between actors who are driven by the same will and goals, and our partnership with Spendrups is an example of this. Together with them and other participants in the Climate & Nature cultivation programme, we can show actual sustainability gains in numbers. Together, we have gone from words to action, and I am very proud of that," says Claes Johansson, Head of Sustainability at Lantmännen.

Since Climate & Nature started, it has succeeded in reducing the climate impact of the cultivation of cereals by up to 45 percent compared to Swedish conventional cultivation. The program is dynamic and continuously evolving to apply the latest knowledge and technology. Last year, fossil-free fertilizer was introduced into the program, and this year additional criteria for biodiversity are being added.

Read more (in Swedish)

Mariestad's sustainability work:

Climate & Nature – Lantmännen's cultivation programme for the agriculture of the future:

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