Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
The Group Management Team has overall responsibility for coordinating the operations at Lantmännen. The Group Management Team comprises the Group President, all Heads of Sectors and the Heads of the Corporate Functions.
Magnus Kagevik
Group President & CEO
Hired: 2018
Education: M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
External directorships: Viking Malt Aktiebolag,
HaGe Kiel and team SE.
Per Arfvidsson
Executive Vice President & CTO Lantmännen Group
Hired: 2011
Education: M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
External directorships: Sweden Food Arena (Chairman)
and Agronod (Chairman).
Elisabeth Ringdahl
Executive Vice President
Lantmännen Agriculture Sector
EDUCATION:M.Sc. (Business and Economics)
EXTERNAL DIRECTORSHIPS: Rezekne JSC (Chairman), Scandagra Group AB, Scandagra Polska Sp. z o.o. and HaGe Kiel.
Lars-Gunnar Edh
Executive Vice President
Lantmännen Energy Sector
Hired: 2019
Education: M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
External directorships: ScandiStandard AB. Drivkraft Sverige AB. SimSuFoodS AB.
Thomas Isaksson
Executive Vice President Lantmännen Cerealia Business area
Hired: 2015
Education: M.Sc. (Economics)

Lars Appelqvist
Executive Vice President Scan Sverige
Carsten Lyngsø Thomsen
Executive Vice President
Lantmännen Unibake Business area
Hired: 2021
Education: Diploma (Business Administration)
Niklas Lindberg
Executive Vice President
Swecon Business area
Hired: 2015
Education: M.Sc. (Financial Economics)
External directorships: X-Innovations AB (Chairman) and Hyttbäcken Invest AB.

Joachim Haas
Managing Director Real Estate Business area
Michael Sigsfors
Executive Vice President & CFO Lantmännen Group
Hired: 2008
Education: M.Sc. (Business Administration)
Emma Stockhaus
Senior Vice President & Head of HR
Hired: 2011
Education: M.Sc. (Business Administration and Economics)
Frida Tydén
Senior Vice President & Head of Communications & Marketing
Hired: 2007
Eduction: M.Sc. (Business and Economics)