Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
Lantmännen is a significant player throughout the grain value chain. As a large company, we also have a great responsibility, which is made clear, among other things, in our Code of Conduct and in international principles and initiatives.
UN Global Compact and Agenda 2030
In 2009, Lantmännen signed the Global Compact, the UN initiative for responsible business, which involves a commitment to implement the Global Compact’s ten principles in the business. The ten principles include broad acceptance of responsibility in the areas of human rights, labor conditions, the environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact also requires annual disclosure of progress and performance in the form of a COP (Communication on Progress) to the UN.
Lantmännen is a signatory to United Nations initiative for business, Global Compact, which means a commitment to work with the ten principles. Lantmännen sees the UN's sustainability goals, in parallel with the Swedish environmental goals, as an important stakeholder in the work of defining essential sustainability issues.
Lantmännen has analyzed what Agenda 2030 means for our responsibility and our role, which goals are relevant to our mission and business, and how they are integrated into existing work and strategies for the future. For Lantmännen, two of the goals are business critical: No hunger and Sustainable energy for all. Other goals are directly linked to Lantmännen's mission and business and to our focus areas for sustainable business development.
Code of Conduct guides in the work
Our responsibility is defined in Lantmännen's Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for responsibility in the different special areas that are relevant to Lantmännen's operations, and these are based on the Global Compact's ten principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. For many areas, there are specific policies and guidelines.
The Code of Conduct applies to all Lantmännen employees as well as board members and trustees in the organization. Relevant parts also apply to our suppliers and business partners. These parts are specified in our Supplier Code of Conduct. Implementation of the Code of Conduct throughout the business is an important part. All employees are trained in the Code of Conduct through a web-based training. All employees can report non-compliances to the Code of Conduct anonymously either to a manager or via the externally managed whistleblowing-function. Monitoring of the Code of Conduct is done annually in the Lantmännen Group management Team.
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Clear rules and regulations for business ethics and anti-corruption
Lantmännen sets high standards for ethical conduct and business ethics, and works to combat all forms of corruption and to promote free and fair competition. We work with trainings in anti-corruption and fair competition. Systematic monitoring of compliance is conducted annually on business unit and Group-level.
Sustainability Report
Lantmännen’s sustainability report describes our sustainability work throughout the value chain, which includes plant breeding, agri-supply, cultivation, raw materials purchasing and processing, sales and consumption of the products we offer.
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