Good carbohydrates

Sugar, starch and fibre are all carbohydrates. The body processes different types of carbohydrates in different ways. Eating slow carbohydrates that are rich in fibre, can help stabilise your blood sugar levels compared to eating fast carbohydrates such as sugar. In other words, it is the quality of the carbohydrates you eat that influences your energy levels over time.


The food you eat is mostly made up of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, help our stomach to work properly and help us absorb other important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It is important to choose good carbohydrates, because when it comes to your health, quality is much more important than quantity.

Carbohydrates are found in many different kinds of food, such as vegetables, bread, pasta, muesli, fruit, beans and sweets.

Carbohydrates are divided into three groups

Sugar, starch and fibre. The body handles these differently. 

Illustration fibermolekyl


Fibre molecules stick tightly together and cannot be broken down when we eat them. Fibre makes you feel full for a long time without giving you as much energy. Rye crispbread and whole-grain pasta are examples of foods that are high in fibre.

Illustration av stärkelsemolekyl


Starch molecules stick together in long chains. They are broken down into single molecules when eaten and are converted into energy. White rice and white bread are examples of products with a high starch content.

Illustration av en sockermolekyl


Sugar molecules are single molecules or stick together two by two. They taste sweet and provide direct energy. Sugar can occur naturally, in berries and fruit for example, or can be added when we want an extra sweet flavour, such as in soft drinks and sweets.

If you want to keep your energy level stable for a long time, always choose foods that are high in fibre and have less added sugar.


Fibre is also known as dietary fibre and is found in foods of plant origin. Fibre helps to give plants structure, and its construction makes it difficult for the body to break down. We cannot absorb much energy from fibre – instead it provides bulk and food for the natural bacteria in the stomach. Fibre is also a source of several healthy substances such as minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. A good way to obtain fibre is to choose products containing whole grains. Learn more about fibre and fibre rich food

In Sweden, we eat less fibre than is recommended by the Swedish National Food Agency. On average, we should eat almost twice as much as we currently do. There is a strong link between eating a lot of fibre and having a reduced risk of a number of illnesses. Eating the right amount of fibre and whole grains, for example, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is because the fibre helps to keep blood sugar levels stable, aids digestion and makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Top foods to make you feel full and fit!

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Whole-grain pasta and bean pasta
  • Rye bread and cripsbread 
  • Rolled oates and muesli 
  • Beans and lentils

Our food brands

Below you will find some of our food brands on the Swedish market.