Responsibility in the supply chain

Our customers and consumers should feel confident that we have knowledge and control throughout the entire business and that we are doing all that we can to minimize the negative impact on people, environment and natural resources.

This responsibility is defined and further specified in Lantmännen’s Code of Conduct. Lantmännen is also a signatory of Global Compact, the UN initiative for responsible business, which involves a commitment to implement the Global Compact’s ten principles in all parts of the business. We have analyzed what the UN Agenda 2030 means for our business and what Sustainable Development Goals that are of high relevance to our assignment and business.

Download and read Lantmännen’s Code of Conduct

Responsibility in the supply chain

Lantmännen purchases big volumes of grain, other materials and supplies.  Transports and energy are other major sourcing categories. We aim for long term and developing relations with our suppliers, where responsibility and profitability go hand in hand. 

Social and environmental responsibility in the supply chain contains many complex issues and challenges. It covers business ethics and working conditions at suppliers and sub-suppliers as well as climate, emissions, impact on biodiversity and other environmental aspects.

Lantmännen works systematically with risk identification, management and follow up related to suppliers. Our Supplier Code of Conduct apply to all suppliers, regardless of what products or services they deliver, and clarifies Lantmännen’s expectations on environment, business ethics, social responsibility and working conditions. The Supplier Code of Conduct is an integrated part of the purchase process. Our suppliers commit to comply with the Code of Conduct by having it attached as an appendix in our supplier agreements and it must be included as a contract clause when a new agreement is signed or when the conditions of the existing agreement is renegotiated.

Compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct is very important to Lantmännen’s business. The target is that all purchasing comes from approved suppliers.  Monitoring and follow up on compliance with the requirements in the Supplier Code of Conduct is performed through self assessment and third party audit. Lantmännen priorities suppliers or purchase categories with identified high risk or big potential for improvement.
Read more about follow up on the Supplier Code of Conduct in our Annual Report with Sustainability report.

Read more about our Supplier Code of Conduct and find it all available languages.


Product Quality Guarantee

Quality, safety and traceability of our food are important parts of Lantmännen’s promise of good food. We have a well-developed quality and food safety program, with several checkpoints throughout the production chain. All of Lantmännen’s food production facilities are certified according to international standards for food safety, like ISO 22000 or BRC, and reviewed by independent third parties. To meet new and changing expectations from customers and consumers and become even better at identifying and managing risks and deviations, we are constantly developing our processes and methods. 

Read more about our food brands at Cerealia and Unibake.

Clear rules and regulations for business ethics and anti-corruption

Lantmännen sets high standards for ethical conduct and business ethics, and works to combat all forms of corruption and to promote free and fair competition.

The Code of Conduct emphasizes the zero tolerance for violation of anti-corruption or competition laws. The compliance program requires annual reporting to the Board and Group management and employees can also report incidents through a whistle-blowing system.