Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
Rye grains can have several different shades and colours where the most common colours are blue green and orange shades. Rye is fast growing and has traditionally been used for baking crispbread and bread, baked with whole grain rye and sour dough.
Rye is grown on approximately one percent of arable land in Sweden. Each year around 200,000 tons of rye are harvested in Sweden, which accounts for approximately 4% of the total grain harvest (based on the average for rye and the total harvest over the last five years in Sweden).
A brief history
Rye originated in Asia Minor, in what is now Turkey. Rye was known to the Ancient Greeks and Romans, but was not cultivated to any great extent by them.
In the Nordic region, rye has been cultivated for over 1,000 years. Rye was tolerant to cold and sown in the autumn, which meant it was suited to the dry springs of central Sweden and was the first crop in slash and burn agriculture. By the mid 19th Century, rye made up one third of all cultivated grain. Rye was an important crop for the working population and a crucial part of the basic diet in those days, used to make rye bread and rye gruel, for instance.
Rye differs from other types of grain in that it is a cross pollinator and is recognised by its open blossom. When the rye blossom releases its pollen, this can be seen as a mist over the shoots, which can look like a wave of smoke.
Health benefits
Rye is the most fibre rich of all our Nordic cereals, and gives you a feeling of satisfied fullness - ideal for breakfast in other words.
Rye fibre is good for bowel health and contributes to a normal bowel function.
Rye is an excellent source of fibre. Contains 20 g fibre per 100 g – rye contains 4-5% of the relatively recently discovered fibre fructan, that is not yet part of traditional dietary fibre analysis.
100 gram of rye a day will provide up to 50% of the recommended daily intake of several important vitamins and minerals. 70% of daily dietary fibre requirements - but only 15% of daily energy needs.
Eating a large portion of porridge with 15 dl rye flakes and 2 slices of whole grain rye bread will give you 100g of rye.
Rye and fullness
Rye flake porridge even gives you a greater sense of fullness in the afternoon, than when you start the day with breakfast bread. What's more, whole rye kernels are clear winners ahead of milled rye kernels (rye flour), when you compare porridge and bread made from the same raw ingredients.
All rye products give you a superior sense of fullness throughout the day compared with white bread. During the morning, you feel equally satiated with both, but in the afternoon, you can see the effects of porridge made from kernels as the test groups stayed less hungry for longer. Much of the rye kernel structure is preserved in porridge made from rye flakes and this can explain why you are less likely to feel hungry in the afternoon.
Use rye flakes instead of bread crumbs. And use leftover rye bread to make crunchy croutons in salads - and help reduce food waste.