Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe’s leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products.
Lantmännen has already come a long way when it comes to developing sustainable feed. By combining our feed products with new technology, optimal management and various measures at our Farm of the Future Viken, we have succeeded in achieving high productivity, high animal welfare and reduced climate footprint.
Viken has for several decades been an important part of Lantmännen's feed development. The work carried out here has contributed to Sweden already having among the most sustainable farming in the world today. In the late autumn of 2021, we took the next big step – with new robots from DeLaval specially equipped to be used in the trial operation. Viken is now equipped to become a world-class Farm of the Future for dairy production.
Milk robot provides better monitoring
In 2021, the milking carousel at Viken was replaced with a robotic facility, through a collaboration with DeLaval. During this harvest year, the robotic system has been put into full use, which has meant major changes in working methods on the farm. Instead of milking, the staff have time to walk around more among the animals and react early to changes. An advanced digital system also makes it easier to notice at an early stage if animals are not eating or milking properly. This can lead to both better animal health and productivity.
Feed project for Climate efficient diet
In 2022, a sub-project within the SustAinimal collaboration at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) was carried out to investigate the composition of feed rations with the aim of achieving the most sustainable milk production possible. Three different diets were compared and their effect on dairy production, methane emissions, climate impact and animal well-being.
Towards sustainable beef and dairy production of the future
There are good opportunities to reduce emissions from Swedish beef and dairy production in line with the Paris Agreement and to achieve climate-neutral farming by 2050. At the same time, we can increase food production, promote biodiversity and maintain a high animal welfare. This is shown in our report that we put forward together with Arla, HKScan, LRF, Svenskt Kött, Yara, DeLaval and Växa. For Lantmännen, as part of the animal value chain, our feed and the development of new technology are critical components in realising the potential going forward.
If you would you like to have a printed version of the Farming of the Future report: Beef & Dairy, email your address to
475 milk cows, 450 heifers and calfs and 48 cows are a part of active feed trials
The milk yield at Viken is 18% higher than the national average
Our SMART feed has lowered its climate impact by 5-20%
365 hectars
365 hectars at Viken is used for crop cultivation
The investments we have made in the business in recent years have yielded results. The main success factor is really good feed and well-balanced diet, but good management has also largely contributed to production rising to just over 13,000 kg of ECM.
SMART feed
Lantmännen has driven the development of the new generation of SMART feed. By optimising the recipes down to the smallest ingredient, we have succeeded in lowering the crude protein content and have been able to replace protein with pure amino acids. This means that we can use by-products and more locally grown proteins in a smarter way and thus be able to reduce the use of soya in our recipes, among other things. Our SMART feed has resulted in between 5-20% reduced climate impact, maintaining the same high quality and productivity.
The research centre SustAinimal at the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) will identify and develop the role of animals for increased food production, sustainability and competitiveness in the Swedish food system of the future. Livestock production is central and plays a crucial role in Swedish food production. SustAinimal will present the impact of animals both from an economic, ecological and social sustainability perspective. Lantmännen is part of the research centre as a partner.
We already have world-class dairy production in Sweden today, but in order to meet the needs of the future, we need to continue to develop our feed further. At Farm of the Future Viken, we have unique opportunities to do so.