In May, Lantmännen announced that it intended to acquire Raisio's cattle feed business including two feed factories and sales of inputs for plant cultivation (in the company Raisioagro). The acquisition has been investigated by the relevant competition authorities and was approved, which means that the company Raisioagro is now a part of Lantmännen.
Raisioagro is an important player on the Finnish agricultural market, with sales (in 2017) of Euro 74 million. By acquiring Raisioagro Lantmännen is able to broaden its offer in Finland, and strengthens its presence as a leading player in agribusiness on the Finnish market.
"Raisioagro is a well-functioning business with good relationships with its customers and suppliers. Lantmännen will continue to operate the business in its current form. Once the integration has been completed, we will develop the business with the goal of turning the company into an even more competitive trading partner in Finnish agriculture," says Peter Annas, Chairman of the Board at Raisioagro and Head of Plant Cultivation at Lantmännen Lantbruk.
"We are pleased that the acquisition has now been completed and welcome our new owner Lantmännen. We believe that Lantmännen, with its focus on agricultural operations, will manage and develop Raisioagro into an even more attractive player on the Finnish market," says Mikko Korhonen, CEO-elect at Raisioagro.
Lantmännen already has an established agricultural store in Finland through the company Lantmännen Agro Oy, with independent dealers throughout the country. In Lantmännen Agro, Lantmännen mainly conducts trade in grain and the sale of inputs for plant cultivation, as well as accessories and spare parts for agricultural machinery.
"The feed business in Raisioagro complements our offer to the Finnish farmer. We expect to find synergies between the feed business and Lantmännen Agro but, above all, it means that we can offer a broader range on the market and that we can operate as a turnkey supplier to Finnish farmers," says Elisabeth Ringdahl, Head of Agriculture Sector, Lantmännen Lantbruk.
The acquisition includes around 70 employees. In addition to its principal business, feed production, Raisioagro pursues research and development into animal feed and is at the forefront of the digitalisation of agricultural services. The company will initially operate under the company name Raisioagro.
For more information contact:
Peter Annas, Chairman of the Board, Raisioagro; Head of Plant Cultivation, Lantmännen Lantbruk
Tel: +46 706 99 03 65
Elisabeth Ringdahl, Head of Agriculture Sector
Tel: +46 725 46 46 35
Lantmännen Press Office
Tel: +46 10 556 88 00
Images are available at
About Lantmännen Lantmännen is an agricultural cooperative and Northern Europe's leader in agriculture, machinery, bioenergy and food products. Owned by 25,000 Swedish farmers, Lantmännen has 10,000 employees, operations in over 20 countries and an annual turnover of SEK 40 billion. With grain as our basis, we create value from farmland resources to make farming thrive. Some of our best-known food brands are AXA, Bonjour, Kungsörnen, GoGreen, Gooh, FINN CRISP, Korvbrödsbagarn and Hatting. Our company is founded on knowledge and values built up through generations of owners. Having research, development and operations throughout the value chain means that we can take responsibility together -- from field to fork. Please read more at
About Raisioagro Raisioagro is engaged in feed production and the sale of cattle feed in Finland. Production takes place at two feed factories in Ylivieska and Kouvola. Market share in 2017 was around 35 per cent and turnover EUR 74 million. The company employs about 70 employees. In addition to the main business of feed production, Raisioagro conducts research and development in animal feed and is at the forefront of the digitalisation of agricultural services.