International initiatives

Lantmännen is an important actor throughout the grain value chain. As a big company we have a big responsibility. The responsibility is clarified for example in international principles and initiatives. 

Lantmännen is a signatory to United Nations initiative for business, Global Compact, which means a commitment to work with the ten principles. Lantmännen has analyzed the UN Global Goals in Agenda 2030 and what they mean to our responsiblility and business strategy. We have prioritised goals relevant to our mission and business.

Global Compact - responsible business

In 2009, Lantmännen signed the Global Compact, the UN initiative for responsible business, which involves a commitment to implement the Global Compact’s ten principles in the business. The Global Compact also requires annual disclosure of progress and performance in the form of a COP (Communication on Progress). Lantmännen’s Annual Report including Sustainability Report and Appendix Sustainability Management and Indicators, together with information on our website, are structured in such a way as to meet these requirements.

Read our Communication on Progress in the Annual Report with Sustainability Report.

Read CEO’s letter with a statement on commitment and results for previous year.

Learn more about the Global Compact and COP 

The 10 Global Compact Principles

  1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
  2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses
  3. Businesses should uphold freedom of association & effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  4. The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
  5. The effective abolition of child labour
  6. Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
  7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
  8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
  10. Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery

Agenda 2030

Lantmännen’s contribution to Agenda 2030

In 2015, the leaders of the world signed the Agenda 2030, United Nations 17 goals for sustainable development. To reach the goals, great efforts in partnerships are needed on international, national and local level. All companies, organizations and actors are encouraged to take responsibility and implement the sustainability goals in strategy and reporting.

Lantmännen sees the Global Goals, in parallel to the Swedish environmental objectives, as an important stakeholder in the work to define material sustainability issues. Lantmännen has analyzed what Agenda 2030 means for our responsibility and our role, and to what extent relevant goals are integrated in existing processes and operations.  

The Swedish farming and food production has bearing on all the 17 Global Goals and a very close connection to some of the goals. The need of sustainable agriculture and climate friendly and responsibly produced food is increasing.

For Lantmännen, two of the goals are business critical; No hunger and Sustainable Energy for all. The goals Sustainable Consumption and production, Climate Action and Life on Land are directly linked to  Lantmännen's mission and business and to our focus areas for sustainable business development.

Other goals are important for our impact and responsibility and are to a large extent integrated in our Code of Conduct.

Read more about UN Global Goals.

Goal 2 and 7

A summary of the issues related to goal 2: No hunger and goal 7: Sustainble energy for all.

Lantmännen's agenda for goal 2

  • Sustainable cultivation methods, organic and conventional; the concept Climate and Nature, Nature+, contract cultivation and digitalisation

  • Ambition to increase efficiency and create higher yield with less environmental impact: Swedish origin and cultivation, precision farming, climate adaptation, plant breeding.  

  • Products with less climate impact for sustainable farming and food with added value for health. Research and Innovation for example for plant breeding, health and nutrition.

  • Thriving farming for food production and a cooperative ownership model to create value.


Sustainable, efficient food production with added value for environment and health 

  • A Friendlier Wheat and A Friendlier Rye, wheat and rye flour from Kungsörnen produced with the farming method Climate and Nature.
  • Vegetarian food; GoGreen
  • Pasta with beans cultivated on Swedish island Öland; gives more protein and fibres with local products
  • Cultivation in Sweden of durum wheat and kidney beans
  • Research and innovation supports sustainable agriculture: Termoseed, Cedomon and Cerall
  • Oat for health
  • Climate friendly mushroom protein from ethanol production can replace other proteins   

Lantmännen's agenda for goal 7

  • Cultivation of renewable material for bioenergy production.

  • Biorefinery Lantmännen Agroetanol produces ethanol that decrease CO2 emissions with over 90%.

  • Waste from bakeries and food production is used for biofuel production.

Products for energy supply in the future

  • Biobased fuels from Lantmännen Agroetanol; production of 95% bioethanol based on Swedish raw material with 90% CO2-reduction.
  • Second Generation biofuels from Agroetanol; bioethanol produced from carbohydrate waste.