New for 2022 is a mix of shorter and longer activity formats, aiming to make it easier for anyone in Lantmännen – regardless of role and background – to join in. We met up with Nina Tuomikangas, Project Manager in Lantmännen R&D Group Functions and programme manager for The Greenhouse, to learn more about the activities.
Q&A about the activities in Greenhouse 2022
What’s new in this year’s Greenhouse program Nina?
This year's Greenhouse program looks a little different. The goal? To become even better at capturing the in-house ideas, experience and skills that exist among Lantmännen, but also keep a door open to new partnerships with the world around us.”
Nina Tuomikangas, Greenhouse 2022 Programme manager.
How will Lantmännen colleagues be able to join the program activities?
As a colleague, you’ll be able to join in two ways.The first way, and new for this year, is the concept of Innovation Days. It’s a creative half-day format, open for all colleagues and something we run during the spring. The concept is that you as a participant, join in for a half day workshop where you individually and together with others in teams, explore and identify new ideas around the theme. The sessions are digital, via Teams, so that as many as possible can join. Nothing to prepare - just sign up and come as you are!”
The second way, and something we bring from previous years, is the Accelerator format. That will return again this fall, and the concept remains to grow a selected number of ideas into more mature ones. New for this year is a simplified design, where the Accelerator will be limited to four fun days of workshops, and six days of independent team work. The work wraps up with pitches in a “Dragons Den”, with representatives from the Agriculture Division as the audience. The goal of the format is to prepare and coach good ideas to grow stronger, to enable them to potentially be picked up by the business areas, and eventually launched in the market place!
Ninas colleagues in the Innovation team of Lantmännen R&D Group Functions.
How will we engage the world around us this year?
In addition to this year’s clear focus on internal activities, we leave a door open to new potential new partnerships and collaborations with the world outside the Group. In order to succeed with our goal of becoming the most innovative company in our industry, we see benefits to welcoming inspiration and thoughts from the outside world. That is why we are trying out a new concept this year called Demo Days.
The Demo Days is a platform for building relations with the world around us. During a number of days, we invite selected external startups and entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas and collaboration proposals. A review board, similar to that of the Dragons Den, evaluates the opportunity and we decide on a possible further exchange - from knowledge sharing to collaboration.
When will you share more information about the first activities I can join?
More information on how to register for this year's activities will be announced during the beginning of March. Stay tuned!
Learn more about this year's Greenhouse theme in our last blog post