The 2022 Open call - Applications are welcome Sept 1-30

A sustainable agriculture sector of the future is the key to a sustainable and productive food system. The road ahead is full of possibilities and challenges which cannot be acheieved or overcome alone. Right now the need for collaboration is greater than ever. That is why Lantmännen Research Foundation through the 2022 Open call will award up to SEK 25 million to research building new knowledge and innovation.

The Foundation’s priorities for 2022 are presented in detail in call texts for each the three foundation focus areas: Agriculture & Machinery, Food & Health and Bioenergy & Green materials. Find all  call texts gathered here


The foundation welcomes submissions for project ideas during the application period of Sept 1-30th (deadline Sept 30th, 2pm). All submitted ideas are reviewed by evaluation committes with representatives of Lantmännen owners, academia as well as the Lantmännen group, jointly looking at project potential in regards to farm benefit, scientific quality and business potential. Find practical information and guidance for reserachers here

Final funding decisions are announced in December. 

Read more about the 2022 Open call: 
Lantmännen Research Foundation Open call 2022