
Lantmännen want to contribute with our knowledge and responsibility from field to fork through our sponsorship commitments.

Arable land and what happens to it is crucial to us. It is the source for everything we produce, and the foundation of our entire business. As one of the Nordic region's largest food, energy and agricultural groups, we both have a responsibility and a unique opportunity to influence development in a sustainable direction.

Therefore, our partnerships are of varying natures, but the goals are always a broad commitment in the areas where we ourselves can contribute. The partnerships are carefully selected to create conditions for good relationships with our target groups, increased interest and commitment to our business, as well as new business with those we meet along the way.

Sponsorship Projects

Sponsorship for trademarks / business areas

In Lantmännen we use sponsorship directly linked to other relationship creations and sales promotion activities. The projects selected should reinforce a differentiated and distinctive brand position or property of the brand. The projects that brands/businesses choose, are projects where they can contribute and continuously use as a natural part in their daily communication, as well as showing clear measurable effects.

CSR for the entire Lantmännen

We sponsor projects where our brands/businesses within the Group can benefit from one and the same project, and where we can contribute. It may encompass several countries in the Nordic or the international market, where we operate. The basis for our selection process is that the project should clarify our position as a responsible company with knowledge throughout the chain, from field to fork.

Our pilot project in Malawi in cooperation with We Effect

Since 2003, Lantmännen has chosen to focus its entire central CSR sponsorship in We Effect (former Co-operative without borders). The partnership has a natural link with Lantmännen's operations and at our core value to take responsibility from field to fork.

We Effect is a Swedish aid organization that carries out long-term aid projects in 24 countries and four continents. The guiding star is self-help and the vision a fair and sustainable world, free from poverty. We Effect focuses on developing rural areas and the use of land to help poor people. In addition to the support through the annual organizational contribution, Lantmännen supports a pilot project in southern Malawi that helps both farmers and schoolchildren. Farmers receive training in sustainable farming methods, market access and business development. At the same time, they can sell their products to the World Food Program, which provides school lunches for the children in the area.

Checklist for seeking Lantmännen sponsorship

We get many great ideas and suggestions for partnerships of different kinds, but unfortunately, we cannot engage in them all. If you have a project and believe that Lantmännen could contribute to and benefit from a sponsorship, we ask that you consider the following points first.

  • We prioritize projects that support the Lantmännen brand and our responsibility from field to fork.
  • We want to contribute with our knowledge and our passion for food, health and the environment - for a sustainable development of our society.
  • We prioritize projects that several of our companies / brands can use.
  • For us, sponsorship is not about gifts or charity. Instead, we see it as a partnership giving evident benefits for both parties
  • All sponsorship should comply with our code of conduct. Thus, we avoid sponsoring political or religious organizations, risky activities, activities that can harm people, animals or the environment, as well as activities that may be perceived as offensive or unethical.
  • You should make your application well ahead in time - at least 3 months before a project start.
  • Be specific with what you offer - give us a clear idea of what Lantmännen wins in a partnership.
  • A pure exposure of our logo is not a main reason for us to enter a sponsorship.
  • Products from our companies are not free but represent actual costs for us.



If you wish to contact us regarding our view on sponsorship, or if you have any questions about this, send an e-mail to: info@lantmannen.com