Back in Stockholm
Hi again fans,
I’m now back in Stockholm, and with only a few months left, reality is starting to sneak up on you. We are now in a process of finding our positions after the programme, so life is a bit in limbo at the moment. However, there are still daily tasks to do, and I am now working in the strategy department of the Lantmännen group. My supervisor, Patrik, is the director of strategy in Lantmännen, so by following him around and asking a thousand questions, I’ve learned a lot in the first month. I don’t have one specific project to take care of, rather more ad-hoc tasks, a research project for the food division and assisting Patrik whenever he needs me.
I enjoy being back in beautiful Stockholm, and being able to experience a bit of the summer here is fantastic. Hugo and I were even invited to a Swedish crayfish party by fellow graduate, Johanna, and her old KTH crew. I love the snapsvisor!
This crayfish party location blew away the Dane
Alongside, we (trainees) are working on strategic group assignments, where Hugo, Johan and I are working on a project regarding plastics. As I already worked with the plastic issue when I was at Aspen, I thought it would be interesting to utilise my knowledge and insights on a group level. We have been working on the assignment for half a year now, and have our grand presentation in 3 weeks – exciting times!
That was a quick update from my side
Stay tuned,