Exploring new territories, finance at Cerealia!
Hi best blog-followers!
This period I’m positioned at Cerealia within their finance department, which has been really interesting for me since I where more or less clueless about what actually goes on in a finance department. My project is about facilitating the move to the new organisational structure for Cerealia by establishing new monthly reporting material. Now, with a few weeks left of this assignment I can start to conclude my learnings and it’s been a very insightful and interesting time, giving me an holistic view of the organization, much thanks to the nature of the project. Because to be able to put together this reporting material that is expected to cover large parts of the organisation, it have forced me to explore and understand many unfamiliar territories. So basically, the essence of the trainee program! 😊
As told in the previous post, a whopping 78% (or exactly 7/9 for those that prefer) were able to sync their calendars and take a weekend to Sälen. A few days packed with skiing, sauna, after ski etc etc teambuilded our group even stronger and we left with a big smile on our faces. And maybe some aches in our aging muscles, 1/1 (100%) worth it!
Almost whole crew lined up before another unforgettable ride in the slopes
Also, Johan left last post with a big cliffhanger, promising pictures from an epic squash game. Unfortunately, all I can offer is an anticlimax since the game was postponed due to a striking knee (not ski related). However, might be for the best not to test that teambuilding too soon 😉 Instead I will leave you with a picture from this week’s dinner at Vanessa’s!
Indonesian dinner. Good food – Great company!
Next time you hear from me I’ll be in Finland looking into the agriculture business, talk to you then!