On Friday 2 July, Lantmännen received the European Award for Cooperative Innovation in the category “Environmental value creation – Biodiversity and Natural resources” for the unique ThermoSeed project and its environmentally friendly heat treatment method that is both organic and highly efficient.
More than 100 agricultural and forestry cooperatives participated in the 5th edition of the European Award for Cooperative Innovation. The award, organized by Copa Cogeca and supported by the Spanish cooperative bank Cajamar Caja Rural, aims to recognize innovations that deliver value under the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainability.
“I was delighted to receive the news of our win. It confirms our beliefs in our method and is proof of that my colleagues and I have been working in the right direction for many years. I’m also grateful to have had the support of our owners, partners and customers during this time”, says Kenneth Alness, CEO ThermoSeed Global.
ThermoSeed is a method that treats seeds against seed-borne infections, reducing the need for pesticides within agriculture, benefiting the environment as well as adding value for the farmer. For more information on Lantmännen’s work on sustainable plant protection, please see the Farming of the Future report.
Today, Lantmännen operates three facilities in Sweden and licenses the method to nine facilities handled by external partners around Europe and in the United States. Within the Swedish facilities more than 50 000 tons of seed are being processed annually, comprising approximately 40 percent of the Swedish seed market.
Huge demand calls for expansion
Globally, actors within food production and agriculture are working hard to find sustainable solutions that lowers carbon emissions and reduces chemical use. Hence, the demand for ThermoSeed is ever-growing. Two new facilities will be installed and fully operational in July 2021, operated by two new partners, Fenaco in Switzerland and Vihervakka in Finland.
”In the process we use nothing but hot moist stream while producing a product that is equivalent to chemically treated seed, both in respect to the effectiveness in making crop free from seed-born infections and financially. Therefore, we are happy to see more farmers start using our seed, it is the right way to go for both the farmer and the environment”, says Anders Krafft, CEO Lantmännen BioAgri.
For more information, please contact:
Kenneth Alness, CEO ThermoSeed Global
E-mail: kenneth.alness@lantmannen.com
Anders Krafft, CEO Lantmännen BioAgri
E-mail: anders.krafft@lantmannen.com
Lantmännen’s press office
Phone: 010 556 88 00
E-mail: press@lantmannen.com