The dividend to the members − that was voted through at the Lantmännen Annual General Meeting − is the highest ordinary dividend in Lantmännen’s history, SEK 733 million in total. Since 2010, Lantmännen has distributed a total of SEK 4.7 billion to its members.
“We can look back at the most successful year ever for Lantmännen. The good results in 2019 and profitable growth across the entire group has strengthened Lantmännen’s financial position and enabled a large dividend. We are delighted to be able to disburse this large dividend to our members, especially at this unpredictable time. This will make life easier for our members, Swedish farmers, in being able to manage the coronavirus crisis and focus on securing Sweden’s food supply,” says Lantmännen’s Chair Per Lindahl.
Lantmännen reported a profit of MSEK 1,877 for 2019, after net financial items and adjusted for items affecting comparability – a significant improvement on 2018 earnings of MSEK 1,387.
“We have come through the challenging period that was caused by the drought in 2018. All sectors and business areas have made progress in 2019, which means we are able to propose a high dividend to the Lantmännen members. In close cooperation with our members and other organizations, we are continuing to work towards sustainable business development and for Swedish agriculture to be deemed world-class,” says Per Olof Nyman, Lantmännen’s CEO and Group President.
The dividend was settled at the digital Annual General Meeting today and is in line with the board proposal.
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For more information, please contact:
Per Lindahl, Chair of the Lantmännen Board
Phone: +46 706 25 64 54
Per Olof Nyman, Lantmännen’s CEO and Group President
Phone: +46 706 57 42 47
Anna Carlström, Head of Owner Relations, Lantmännen
Phone: +46 706 99 11 35
Lantmännen Press Office
Phone: +46 10 556 88 00