German cooperatives visit Lantmännen

News, 2019

R&D, grain trading and Swedish grain cultivation were in focus when a delegation from German farming cooperatives visited Lantmännen.

During their visit to head office, the delegation, with representatives from eight cooperatives in western Germany, met Lantmännen Chair Per Lindahl and Mikael Jeppsson, Head of the Grain Unit. In contrast to Lantmännen, German farming cooperatives focus purely on primary production. This means that all processing of raw materials from the German cooperative is done externally and that all raw materials bought from farmers are sold on.

One of the focus issues was how Lantmännen has successfully managed to engage young farmers. Lantmännen grain trading, both purchasing from farms and sales, was also of great interest to the visitors. German farmers are less loyal and more transient in their trading, which is a big challenge to the sector in Germany, and has led to extensive consolidation within farming cooperatives there.

The delegation showed a big interest in Swedish oats cultivation, and our excellent climate-related conditions for this, and in the next stage, oat mills as well. From the head office, the visitors went to Lantmännen Bioagri where they met Kenneth Alness. The delegation was very interested in ThermoSeed, Cedomon and Cerall, to name just three innovative and successful Bioagri products. The visit was rounded off with a trip to meet grain farmer, district chair and entrepreneur, Gustav Storm, in Storvreta north of Uppsala. There are big differences between Germany and Sweden when it comes to the cultivation and processing of grain, partly climate-related but also due to tradition and history.

The delegation from eight cooperatives in western Germany, together with Lantmännens representatives.