Evaluation Criteria

Are you interested in applying for funding from our research foundation? Here are the criteria we look at when evaluating applications. 

1. Scientific quality:
- Does the application contain a current description of the background and state of knowledge?
- Are hypotheses and goals well described?
- Is the issue scientifically described?

2. Proposed materials and methods:
- Are the selected materials and methods validated and relevant to the research question?
- Are the proposed materials and methods available within reasonable time?
- Is the material and the method unique in any way?
- Are there any ethical or environmental risks associated with the project?

3. Applicant’s or group’s scientific expertise
- Is there an updated CV attached?
- Does the project group have the required expertise?
- Has the group previously been published within the field?

4. Costs:
- Is the entire cost of the project accounted for?
- Are the costs clearly accounted for in the different parts of the project?
- Are the costs and other efforts reasonable? 
- Can something be done differently in order to reduce project costs?
- Has funding been granted or applied for from other financiers?
- Can the project be conducted without the participation of the Lantmännen Research Foundation?
- Has the foundation’s limit of overhead costs not exceeding 30% of the total project budget been taken into account?

5. Time plan:
- Is there a clear time plan?
- Is the time plan linked to activities and deliveries?

6. Relevance:
- Is the project’s relevance, economic potential and time to market for primary production and/or industry and trade well described?
- Has the applicant described the impact the project can have in the area?
- Can the described deliveries be commercialized instantly or is further action required?
- Can the project lead to a patent or other form of intellectual property with commercial significance?
- Has sustainability aspects been considered?

7. Plan for the reporting of results
- Is there a plan describing how results will be spread?
- Is there a plan for handling patents or other intellectual property?
- Is the plan for reporting results linked to the time of the deliveries?
- Is there a plan for scientific publishing?
- Is there a project management group with representation from the foundation (mandatory in all the foundation’s projects)?
